spur demand

美 [spɜːr dɪˈmænd]英 [spɜː(r) dɪˈmɑːnd]
  • 推动需求
spur demandspur demand
  1. This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand


  2. High levels of bank lending are also believed to have helped spur demand .


  3. Governments cut interest rates to spur demand . DSM BASED FREQUENCY QUALITY CONTROL OF POWER SYSTEMS


  4. Goverments cut interest rates to spur demand .


  5. This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand .


  6. Tremendous financial benefit is available if price changes are executed at the right time and deep enough to spur demand .


  7. Both events are expected to spur demand for electronics as consumers seek new devices to watch events and games .


  8. The lower contract price , which will act as a reference for the rest of the market , is expected to spur demand , encouraging India to return to the market .


  9. The Japanese government has agreed the first in a series of promised corporate tax cuts , as it tries to encourage cash-rich companies to raise wages to spur demand .


  10. Under French law , companies risk fines of up to 5 percent of their annual sales for deliberately shortening the life of their products to spur demand to replace them .


  11. Analysts expect its corn imports to treble in the next decade , as rising incomes spur demand for meat and the feed grains used to fatten livestock .


  12. Still , the merchants said the public sale has helped to spur demand for the smartglasses , which retail for $ 1500 and sell on Taobao for 12000-20000 yuan ( $ 1950 - $ 3252 ) .


  13. The increased awareness of child mental health should also help spur the demand for child psychologists .


  14. Countries with sound fiscal and balance of payments positions should be encouraged to spur domestic demand through consumption and investment .


  15. As economists and politicians heap pressure on global central banks to continue , and even escalate , their unusually loose monetary policies in order to spur global demand , the fear that these measures could provoke another market convulsion is spreading .
